

Ukraine: five individuals Were Killed, three hundred Wounded In Clashes Between the safety Forces And Anti-Government Protester

Unknown | 05:08 | 0 comments

According to the news web site, five individuals were killed and on top of three hundred were wounded throughout the clashes with security forces. The Capital capital resonates as a result of the tear gas bombs and firing and as a result of these clashes the Capital capital become the piece of ground altogether the day.

Police takes action against the anti-government protester within the morning. The protester beginning throwing stones at police than the police fireplace the tear gas bombs and rubber bullets to protesters

Remember that: within the evening the meeting has done between President and opposition.

Kiev: five anti-government protesters were killed and on top of three hundred protesters were wounded throughout the clash with security forces and as a result of these clashes the day becomes piece of ground altogether the day.


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